Trades are now only allowed when a player lands on the “Trade” space on the game board. Manages player-to-player trading of property (both the bookkeeping of the property assignments and any money that may be involved).Manages the process of paying or using a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card to get our of jail.When a player lands on a railroad they no longer pay rent, the railroad instead transports them to another random property space on the game board. Manages the new “Train Ride” feature of the game.Manages the assignment of “Chance Cards” to players, but the players still have to disclose that they landed on a “Chance” space on the board.Manages payment of “pass Go” to each player, but the player still has to disclose to Mr.Manages the flow of cash when rent needs to be collected (identifies both the amount due and the players that are involved in the rent transaction).Manages the flow of property auctions (just like a real auctioneer).Buying of property (keeps track of the money transaction and the bookkeeping of which player owns which property).The new voice control feature now manages the following aspects of the game: I’ll save you the time of reading through all of the instructions and summarize it this way.
Mr monopoly manual#
The instruction manual is concise and well written and the reference cards (front and back shown at the bottom of the image) really help players get the hang of voice controls. Luckily, the instruction manual and the cue cards provided with the game are there to explain it all, and they do so very effectively. When you first start the game (especially if you just jump into playing with only the cue cards in front of each player to guide you) it is a little confusing at first to figure out what parts of the game are still managed and controlled by the players and what is now managed by the Mr. Monopoly Voice Banking Components The number of pieces required to play has been greatly reduced for this version of the game (Image from Hasbro) Monopoly banking unit manages all finances whether it’s buying properties, paying and receiving rent, checking balances, and more, and get those houses and hotels up faster.

Monopoly himself… a really nice touch to the overall design experience of the game. As soon as you open the box there is a voice introduction given to you by none other than Mr.

But here is the real kicker, you don’t have to wait to setup and start playing the game to hear his voice. Monopoly sounds like because you interact with him by pressing buttons on his top hat in the center of the board. (Image by Skip Owens)įor the first time ever you get to hear what Mr. Controls for the top hat are on the top surface with each player having a dedicated button. First it was the Ultimate Banking version of the game where players paid with a Monopoly credit card making all transactions “cashless.” Now with Voice Activated Banking, the game is still cashless but transactions are controlled with your voice. The twist to this version of the game is the banking mechanism. You still roll dice and advance around the same property-filled board in a race to be the player with most money and the highest property value. Does voice control make sense for a game of Monopoly? There is only one way to find out…(Image from Hasbro)

Well, Monopoly has shifted into high gear with the all new Voice Banking Edition from Hasbro. If there is a downside to Monopoly it is that games can sometimes run a little on the long side.